Inorganic Chemistry 

Chemical periodicity   Structure  and  bonding  in  homo-  and  heteronuclear  molecules,  including  shapes  of molecules  (VSEPR  Theory).

 Concepts of acids  and bases, Hard-Soft acid base  concept, Non-aqueous solvents.  

 Main  group  elements  and  their  compounds:  Allotropy,  synthesis,  structure  and bonding, industrial importancia  of the  compounds.   

Transition  elements  and  coordination  compounds:  structure,  bonding  theories, spectral and magnetic  properties, reaction mechanisms.   Inner  transition  elements:  spectral  and  magnetic  properties,  redox  chemistry, analytical applications. Organometallic  compounds:  synthesis,  bonding  and  structure,  and  reactivity.  Organometallics in homogeneous catalysis.   Cages  and metal clusters.  

Analytical  chemistry-   separation,  spectroscopic,    electro-  and  thermoanalytical methods.  

Bioinorganic  chemistry:  photosystems,  porphyrins,  metalloenzymes,  oxygen transport,  electron-  transfer  reactions;  nitrogen  fixation,  metal  complexes  in medicine.  

Characterisation  of  inorganic  compounds  by  IR,  Raman,  NMR,  EPR,  Mössbauer, UV-vis, NQR, MS, electron spectroscopy  and microscopic techniques. Nuclear  chemistry:  nuclear  reactions,  fission  and  fusion,  radio-analytical techniques and  activation analysis.  

Physical Chemistry:

1.    Basic principles of quantum mechanics:  Postulates; operator algebra; exactly-   solvable  systems:  particle-in-a-box, harmonic oscillator  and the hydrogen  atom, including  shapes of atomic orbitals;  orbital and spin angular momenta; tunneling.  

2.  Approximate methods  of quantum  mechanics: Variational principle; perturbation theory  up  to second order  in energy; applications.

  3.  Atomic  structure  and spectroscopy; term symbols; many-electron systems and antisymmetry  principle.  

4.  Chemical bonding  in diatomics; elementary  concepts of MO and VB  theories; Huckel theory  for  conjugated π-electron systems.  

5.  Chemical applications of  group  theory; symmetry  elements;  point  groups; character  tables; selection rules.  

 6.  Molecular  spectroscopy:  Rotational and vibrational spectra  of diatomic molecules; electronic  spectra;  IR  and Raman  activities  –  selection rules; basic principles of  magnetic  resonance.  

7.  Chemical thermodynamics:   Laws, state  and path  functions and their  applications; thermodynamic  description of various types of processes; Maxwell’s relations; spontaneity  and  equilibria; temperature  and pressure  dependence  of thermodynamic  quantities;   Le  Chatelier principle;  elementary  description of phase  transitions;  phase  equilibria  and phase  rule; thermodynamics of ideal and non-ideal  gases,  and solutions.  

8.  Statistical thermodynamics: Boltzmann distribution; kinetic  theory  of  gases; partition functions and their  relation to thermodynamic  quantities  –  calculations for  model systems.  

9.  Electrochemistry: Nernst  equation, redox  systems,  electrochemical cells;  DebyeHuckel theory; electrolytic conductance  –  Kohlrausch’s law  and its applications; ionic  equilibria; conductometric and potentiometric titrations.

10.  Chemical kinetics: Empirical rate laws and temperature  dependence; complex reactions;  steady  state  approximation; determination of  reaction mechanisms; collision and transition state theories of  rate  constants;  unimolecular  reactions;  enzyme kinetics; salt  effects;  homogeneous  catalysis;  photochemical reactions.

11.  Colloids and surfaces: Stability  and properties of  colloids;  isotherms and surface area; heterogeneous catalysis.

12.  Solid state: Crystal structures; Bragg’s law  and applications;  band structure  of solids.

13.  Polymer chemistry: Molar masses; kinetics of polymerization.

14.  Data analysis: Mean  and  standard deviation;  absolute and relative  errors; linear regression; covariance  and correlation coefficient.

Organic  Chemistry 1. IUPAC  nomenclature  of  organic molecules including  regio-  and stereoisomers. Principles of stereochemistry:

2.Configurational and  conformational isomerism in acyclic  and cyclic  compounds; stereogenicity, stereoselectivity,  enantioselectivity, diastereoselectivity  and  asymmetric induction. Aromaticity:  

3.Benzenoid  and non-benzenoid compounds  –  generation and reactions. Organic reactive  intermediates:

3.Generation, stability  and reactivity  of carbocations, carbanions,  free  radicals, carbenes, benzynes and  nitrenes.

4.Organic reaction mechanisms involving  addition,

5. Organic reaction mechanisms involving  addition, elimination and substitution reactions with electrophilic, nucleophilic  or radical  species. Determination of reaction pathways.

6. Common named reactions and  rearrangements  –  applications in organic  synthesis.  

7.Organic transformations  and reagents:  

8.Functional  group  interconversion including oxidations  and reductions;  

9.common catalysts  and  reagents (organic, inorganic, organometallic and  enzymatic). Chemo, regio and  stereoselective  transformations.   Concepts in organic synthesis: Retrosynthesis, disconnection, synthons, linear and convergent synthesis, umpolung  of reactivity  and  protecting  groups. Asymmetric synthesis:  

10.Chiral auxiliaries, methods  of asymmetric induction  – substrate, reagent and  catalyst controlled  reactions;  determination of  enantiomeric and diastereomeric  excess; enantio-discrimination. Resolution  –  optical and kinetic.

11.Pericyclic  reactions  –  electrocyclisation, cycloaddition, sigmatropic rearrangements and other  related concerted reactions.

11.Principles and  applications of  photochemical reactions in organic  chemistry. Synthesis and reactivity  of  common heterocyclic  compounds  containing  one  or two heteroatoms (O,  N, S).

12.Chemistry  of natural products:  Carbohydrates, proteins and peptides, fatty  acids, nucleic  acids, terpenes, steroids and alkaloids.  Biogenesis  of terpenoids  and alkaloids.

13.  Structure  determination of organic  compounds  by  IR, UV-Vis,  1H &  13C  NMR and Mass spectroscopic techniques.

Interdisciplinary topics

1. Chemistry  in nanoscience  and technology.

2.   Catalysis  and  green  chemistry.  

3.Medicinal chemistry.  

4.Supramolecular  chemistry.

5.Environmental chemistry. 

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